A solo exhibition of recent works by Tracey Coverley, stitch artist, situated in the midst of the spectacular Pavilion Gardens. Relax with a coffee surrounded by textile portraits created using a combination of freehand machine stitching and reverse appliqué. Must be seen in the flesh!

stitch artist-Tracey Coverley

stitch artist-Tracey Coverley

STITCHED UP! Tracey Coverley

STITCHED UP! Tracey Coverley

Memphis Singer by Tracey Coverley

Memphis Singer by Tracey Coverley

Mark E Smith's eyes by Tracey Coverley

Mark E Smith's eyes by Tracey Coverley

Stephen Fry by Tracey Coverley

Stephen Fry by Tracey Coverley

JCC by Tracey Coverley

JCC by Tracey Coverley